瑞典學者、文學評論家、翻譯家傅正明先生著黃翔評傳《中国黑暗诗人 黄翔和他的多彩世界》英文版從2500 個參賽書籍中脫穎而出,進入美國FOREWORD INDIES 2023年度最佳图书奖最後的決賽名單,祝賀作者、譯者和Kunlun Press!
Kunlun Press in New York brings another piece of good news! The English version of the biographical critique "Chinese Dark Poet: Huang Xiang and His Colorful World," authored by the Swedish scholar, literary critic, and translator Mr. Zhengming Fu, has stood out from 2,500 competing books to make it into the final list of the Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards for 2023. Congratulations to the author, translator, and Kunlun Press!
为《中国黑暗诗人 黄翔和他的多彩世界》英文版入选 2023 年 美国FOREWORD INDIES 2023年度图书奖决赛入围三声欢呼! 从 2,500 份参赛作品中脱颖而出,跻身入围名单令人印象深刻。
Letter from the Chief Judge:
Three cheers for The Chinese Dark Poet being selected as a 2023 INDIES Book of the Year Award Finalist!
To make the shortlist - out of 2,500 entries - is impressive.
我们很高兴公布 2023 年 INDIES 奖决赛入围名单! 今年,我们收到了大量优秀的参赛作品,使得评选过程竞争异常激烈。
祝贺 2023 年 INDIES 奖入围者。 查看 2023 年 INDIES 年度图书奖入围名单的完整名单
这一认可凸显了作者、出版商和出版社的奉献精神和才华,我们很荣幸能够重点关注他们的成就。 这些书籍现在将由图书馆员和书商组成的小组进行评审,他们将确定每个类别的获奖者。
对于作家、出版商和出版社来说,赢得 INDIES 奖可能是一个重要的里程碑,通常会提高他们的图书的知名度和销量。 我们的奖项因表彰独立出版领域的杰出成就而享有盛誉,我们很荣幸能够继承这一传统。
衷心祝贺所有入围者,敬请关注我们在 6 月份公布的获奖者名单。
美国独立出版社年度最佳图书奖INDIES Awards总监
Media Announcement:
We’re excited to unveil the Finalists for the 2023 INDIES Awards! This year, we received an outstanding array of submissions, making the selection process highly competitive.
After thorough deliberation by our editorial team, we’ve identified the standout books in each category, representing the pinnacle of independent publishing.
Congratulations to the 2023 INDIES Award Finalists. Check out the complete list of Finalists for the 2023 INDIES Book of the Year Awards
This recognition underscores the dedication and talent of the authors, publishers, and presses, and we’re privileged to spotlight their accomplishments. These books will now be reviewed by a panel of librarians and booksellers, who will determine the winners in each category.
Winning an INDIES Award can be a significant milestone for authors, publishers, and presses, often leading to increased visibility and sales for their books. Our awards have a long-standing reputation for honoring excellence in independent publishing, and we’re honored to carry on this tradition.
A heartfelt congratulations to all the Finalists, and stay tuned as we announce the winners in June.